HBI Solutions Nails KLAS Rating for Advanced Analytics in a Tough Field of Healthcare Business Intelligence Vendors
KLAS Research report has rated the company for advanced analytics with an overall score of 91.3*.

Palo Alto, CA (August 28, 2018) – HBI Solutions, a strategic partner to healthcare organizations worldwide, announced newly released KLAS Research report “Healthcare Business Intelligence 2018” has rated the company for advanced analytics with an overall score of 91.3*. The report analysis evaluated 23 vendors on 8 important analytics functions, including advanced analytics, comprised of Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Analytics, Natural Language Processing and Use of Non-Traditional Data Sources.
The investigators found that clients using HBI Solutions’ risk-stratification methodology report can replace otherwise complex and expensive analytics environments for prevention of readmissions and ED visits and risk tracking for sepsis, opioid abuse and other chronic diseases.
The report indicated that 100% of HBI Solutions customers surveyed would buy again and responded “yes” when asked if HBI Solutions keeps all promises. “Their executives have been very involved. They are very easy to reach and are committed to making sure we perform well.”
“We are extremely thrilled and proud of the KLAS rating we received. Our sole mission at HBI is to use data science to enable the best actions on patients to keep them healthy; and we are very focused on helping our clients achieve value through our Spotlight Solution. I think this KLAS rating bears that out,” said HBI Solutions CEO, Eric Widen.
KLAS’s Healthcare Business Insights 2018 is based on unique insights from thousands of healthcare professionals regarding the products and services used within their organizations. Although HBI Solutions’ had limited data available as an emerging vendor in the Advanced Analytics Vendors category, clients spoke very positively of their partnerships with the company. Clients were particularly positive about HBI Solutions’ reliability, client relationships and support.
About HBI Solutions
HBI Solutions was founded in 2011 by a physician, a data scientist, and a healthcare IT business executive who shared a vision of improving health and reducing costs. HBI partners with healthcare organizations worldwide to deliver actionable information that helps providers reduce patient health risks, improve care quality, and lower the cost of care. The HBI Spotlight solution is grounded in clinical care and data science, and the analytic approach and methods are prospectively tested, peer-reviewed, and published in leading scientific and medical journals. Visit HBI online at hbisolutions.com.
About KLAS
KLAS is a data-driven company on a mission to improve the world’s healthcare by enabling provider and payer voices to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare professionals, KLAS collects insights on software, services and medical equipment to deliver reports, trending data and statistical overviews. KLAS data is accurate, honest and impartial. The research directly reflects the voice of healthcare professionals and acts as a catalyst for improving vendor performance. To learn more about KLAS and the insights we provide, visit www.KLASresearch.com
*Limited data score (less than 15 unique organizations were interviewed)