Without the right tools, care management programs can be resource-intensive and yield suboptimal cost and quality results. Maybe you aren’t able to align physicians in value-based contracting, help your case managers identify highest-need members, or connect your interventions with risk. You need better communication across the continuum to coordinate care, improve discharge planning, and share data. You need to be population-wise and patient-centric, but your outdated tools and methods can’t help you.
Without the right tools, care management programs can be resource-intensive and yield suboptimal cost and quality results. Maybe you aren’t able to align physicians in value-based contracting, help your case managers identify highest-need members, or connect your interventions with risk. You need better communication across the continuum to coordinate care, improve discharge planning, and share data. You need to be population-wise and patient-centric, but your outdated tools and methods can’t help you.

HBI Solutions brings together data from across the entire enterprise in a patient-centric/population-based way. Transform your ID, stratification, triage, engagement and reevaluation activities, while enhancing your insights and abilities to manage networks, evaluate programs and understand future contract profitability. Drill up for a complete view or down for risk-adjusted comparisons and root cause analysis.
One client consistently performed better than state risk-adjusted targets on ED visits, IP admissions and IP days.

You’re taking on full risk, and you need to be sure your staff are having the right conversations with the right individuals at the right times. HBI Solutions helps you get laser-focused on who, what and how to reduce risk, drive productivity, reduce medical costs and improve outcomes.

We apply a layer of prediction over your current processes to enable focused, effective and personalized engagement while enhancing productivity. Rather than assigning members to groups with aggregated risk based on just clinical conditions or claims data, HBI Solutions’ flexible model utilizes both structured and unstructured data through NLP to assign risk to each individual. We show caregivers risk features and drivers, and point out which are most important, so they can easily see what interventions are needed and take action.
HBI model identified 72.9% of those at high risk for CKD 90 days prior to diagnosis.

Care managers have real-time insights within their workflow that provide them with complete risk profiles, risk drivers, and gaps in care—a whole picture to facilitate a targeted discussion with your members. Plus, updated data from more sources allows organizations to monitor patients continuously across the continuum. You’ll know where your members are at every moment.



Data Science

Real-time Insights


Data Science

Real-time Insights

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